Blacks 30 Times More Likely to Get Arrested for Pot as Whites in Some Counties: The War on Drugs Is a War on Minorities | Alternet
This is an egregious example of the U.S. justice system on the wrong track and being influenced by money, money, money. SMH
Honestly they need to legalize marijuana already. I've never condoned smoking weed but this fight is a losing battle. The benefits far outweigh the disadvantages. And I've yet to see a side by side comparison that shows how alcohol is not worse than marijuana. Alcohol contributes to more deaths than marijuana ever will. I've never heard of marijuana poisoning (vs alcohol poisoning), nor some high driver killing someone (vs drunk driving killing people daily), nor any organ damage from smoking too much weed (vs the liver damage from alcohol over use), nor any marijuana abuse causing aggression (vs alcohol abuse which is very real and the contributor to multiple abuses like spousal and child and multiple other assault and violence cases). How about this for a comparison... Medicinal marijuana vs alcoholic???? Yeah I've got nothing because there isn't any regularly prescribed use of it. Sure drinking a glass of wine a day is good for you, but is that really a comparable benefit?
And about the Black's being the most arrested or easily targeted, are you really surprised of that? Don't be because if any major crimes were looked up today I'd bet that almost all of them would be disproportionate. That's how the U.S. always was and there's nothing to stop it now. Remember who were the slaves, the niggers and the 3/5ths of a man were back in the day. And I ask, what's really different in Black people's mentality today? The old slave mentality has simply evolved into a new slave mentality. All the rights and equality that people fought so hard for and died for in the past, so that Blacks could be out in the streets and on TV acting like they do now? And there's no accountability nor any shame in their actions and behavior, only attitude to those of us who don't cheer them on and applaud their antics. My people stop acting like someone owes you something because in actuality you are the ones who owe all those people who did so much for us to have equality today.
Parents stop having kids and young people stop having irresponsible sex until you can learn how to raise a responsible and respectable contributor to society.
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